Monday, October 6, 2008

Center Venture Day 1: non-tech

Today was the first developing day of the Center Venture.

After a brief wrap-up of the product idea and a first understanding of the desired user interface we split up in the tech and the non- tech group.

The non-tech group startet out with a brainstorming session for the name of our service. The final outcome: Toktok!
We had to made sure that this choice would not bring about any trademark infringements which was actually not so easy to find out. Among other steps it involved an interesting phone call with the patent office. The friendly person on the other hand could not really understand how we could be concerned about a toktok in the telco sector - if after all we were doing software. And when we indicated that we were BUILDING an application for mobile phones - he wanted to put us into the 'Hardware' Nizza class. phew....

Anyways we went along with the name and then moved on designing a nice logo!
So in the comment section, tell us what you think about it!!!

We also came up with some use cases for the service which we will present in a later post.

Here are some impressions of the first day in pictures:

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