Tuesday, October 7, 2008

15 CenterVenturists - a close up on the TokTok development team

These are the 15 minds behind TokTok:



Bernie and Tobias – Chief Facebook Hackers and Chaos Coordinators– These guys are responsible to get the Facebook API talk to J2ME

Kevin – Code Monkey – Kevin's job is to track people (online and offline) and in addition designes internal incentive schemes (e.g. inventor of the famous “The co-worker of the hour” award)

2) Frontend - Facebook

T-lo and Benny- Facebook App Crackers – They are responsible for TokTok’s Facebook face and associated Fanpage

3) Frontend- mobile

Irina – Interface princess – Her job involves trying to fit tons of useful information on a tiny screen of a mobile handset

Philipp – TokTok Makeup Artist – Together with Irina, Philipp is responsible for the style and mobile user interface of TokTok.


1) Business Modelling

Alexander – Future Prospect Analyst – evaluates how TokTok can use mobile simcard technology and screens suitable business competitions for TokTok

Andi - Number Cruncher – responsible among other things for quantitative market analysis of global mobile handset market

3) Marketing & Design

Chao - art work, design and implementation - Chao came up with a logo together with Denniz and is our expert for Flash and Photoshop.

Denniz - TokTok T-shirt shop manager (check out http://toktok.spreadshirt.net/);

Wolfgang - Senior trick film animator of the TokTok Studios - loads of other tasks, too of course.

Herbert - DJ Herbster - Responsible for the TokTok Soundtrack

Rebecca Kolumna - Chief Documentation Officer. Among other things busily writing blog posts to keep everyone up-to-date.

And last but not least:

Mark Bilandzic aka The Master of Desaster - among other things running around and coordinating the whole CenterVenture.


Max said...
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Max said...

looks like a great team! I'm eagerly following your posts!